Sunday, July 25, 2010


One of the aspects of developing an online course was the ability to voice over a power point in order for the student to hear the teacher delivering a lecture. I used Camtasia on my Mac and spent around 4 hours trying to adjust the voice and the slides so the student would understand what was being presented. The power point was developed by another student and I was the voice over- the problem with that was I had to decipher what she was trying to address - I initially did the lecture and it took around 5 minutes for me to address each slide, but she had 24 slides. The presentation would have been much too long- so I cut my lecture down drastically- but felt that if I was truly presenting this to students I would have not been giving each area on the slide enough time. The workload should have been rearranged so each person could make their own power point and voiced it over and then make adjustments to the slides as necessary. You hate to butcher another teacher's slides!!!!

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