Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Online Course Evaluation

I completed the online course evaluation using the Medline Plus as an example course and the CSU evaluation form as my evaluation tool. I really think the exercise helped me to understand what should be included in an online course. I also was glad to see that there is an actual tool that instructors can use to evaluate their online courses. So much of the time, faculty are left to decide and try to decipher what should and shouldn't be included in the course. The tool was and will be a definite asset when planing for online instruction. One thing I was curious about was the fact that the CSU form included the requirement for special needs of the student. Since you are online teaching there is no need for wheelchair access or having to place certain ADD students up front, however, the need for translation for foreign language students and blind students, etc., how do we know if we are meeting state requirements for these students. I was somewhat surprised when I saw that the course I evaluated provided for 70 different languages- is there software that can be bought by the student to change English into another language?

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